Judge Neil Gorsuch got a mixed bag when he was nominated for consideration to the Supreme court. On the one hand, it’s a lifelong position with the potential to preserve and uphold the amazing legal structure that our country was structured around.
On the other hand, he has to endure hours and hours of questioning by his intellectual inferiors, trying every possible trick to trip him up, in an effort to disqualify him for this incredible job.
Dianne Feinstein and Al Franken are two such frustrating examples of his confirmation hearing run amok.
Feinstein seems more concerned about splitting hairs about types of firearms when Gorsuch is obviously only concerned about upholding the current law. It’s hard to say if this is how she actually thinks the judicial process should go, or if she’s projecting how her friends on the left do things.
The theme throughout the questioning from both of these two is that they really want a peek into Gorsuch’s personal feelings, and he constantly reiterates that “the law is the law.” Both people keep driving to get an opinion. Gorsuch voices one opinion; that what he thinks is irrelevant.
Franken’s questioning just got downright embarrassing for him. He actually didn’t even understand all the words that Gorsuch was saying. Gorsuch was extremely gracious about how he handled it, but it’s obvious that he understands far more about the law than his questioner. Unfortunately, Franken wasn’t nearly as concerned about the law as he was asking about Gorsuch’s former political affiliations.
Gorsuch is very clear about standards put on him as a Judge. Since Franken seems to be getting tripped up on a lot of words, maybe it’s “ethics” that got him this time. It’s like Franken is the drug dealer here, just try it out, nobody will get hurt “you can express an opinion.” It’s either a great trap or Franken is just an uneducated idiot. I’d say it’s about a 50/50 chance it could go either way.
Neil Gorsuch showed an incredible amount of restraint and decorum, displaying for America that he is the picture of “honorable” and exactly the kind of person we need sitting on the bench of the highest court in the land.
Do you think Gorsuch is being treated unfairly? Let us know in the comments.
(Source: Youtube)