So much for all this talk hurting Trump very much.
Trump has been polling in 2nd place in Iowa for the past 2 months, but is still in first nationally, that’s nothing new and really should be taken with a big grain of salt. Bigger news is that Dr. Ben Carson is down 19 points (!!!) in the most recent Iowa poll and Trump had some strong words for his long time rival in the polls. This is part of a much larger interview which we’ve posted below for you to hear. Trump’s comments on Carson start at 27:30 if you’d like to fast forward.
It’s interesting to note that Trump said he is finished as Carson was once rumored to be in the running for Trump as a running mate should Trump get the nomination. Now it’s looking like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are much stronger candidates than Carson is. Only 3 more month until the Republican Primaries, who will you be voting for?!
(Source: MSNBC)