Harvey Weinstein vehemently denies actress Uma Thurman’s claim that he physically assaulted her in a hotel room. The disgraced movie mogul responded furiously when Thurman’s allegations were published by the New York Times.
Weinstein is a confirmed pervert and Thurman is a beautiful woman. However, even she admits that she remained friends with him after he supposedly attacked her. She kept quiet about the assault for more than two decades.
“Why Ms. Thurman would wait 25 years to publicly discuss this incident and why according to Weinstein, she would embellish what really happened to include false accusations of attempted physical assault is a mystery to Weinstein and his attorneys,” a representative for Weinstein told the Daily Mail.
“Ms. Thurman’s statements to the Times are being carefully examined and investigated.”
Weinstein is perhaps the most hated man in Hollywood right now. He’s refusing to go away quietly, however. His forceful rejection of Thurman’s accusations shows spirit. He even admits that he tried to hit on her. He just claims that he was a gentleman about it while she describes him a monster.
“It was such a bat to the head. He pushed me down. He tried to shove himself on me,” she told the Times.
“He tried to expose himself. He did all kinds of unpleasant things. But he didn’t actually put his back into it and force me… You’re like an animal wriggling away, like a lizard. I was doing anything I could to get the train back on the track. My track. Not his track.”
Weinstein tells a far different story.
“Mr. Weinstein acknowledges making an awkward pass 25 years ago at Ms. Thurman in England after misreading her signals, after a flirtatious exchange in Paris, for which he immediately apologized and deeply regrets. However, her claims about being physically assaulted are untrue. There was no physical contact during Mr. Weinstein’s awkward pass…”
Expect to see the fight play out in the courtroom.
(Source: Daily Mail)