Bow, Bow, Bow. Another one bites the dust.
I wish it was Cruz or Rubio (though they would both be fine candidates to unseat the liberal idiots) to give Trump more breathing space, but that’s not realistic. This time it’s Rand Paul. Who, in my opinion, is actually a good candidate. His campaign just never got going and Trump steamrolled so many of the smaller budgeted candidates, Paul included.
Well this morning he announced that he’s suspending his campaign and getting out of the way. An honorable thing, and the right thing, to do at this time.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will suspend his presidential campaign, sources say. CNN is reporting that Paul will drop out later Wednesday.Paul finished with 4.5 percent of the vote in Monday’s Iowa caucus, giving him one delegate. He was polling in the low single digits in New Hampshire as well.
Sen. Paul faces a tough race for re-election to the Senate from Kentucky. Last month, Lexington Mayor Jim Gray filed to run against him.
One more gone and the Trump Train can roll on even stronger into New Hampshire! Get on board!
(Source: Breitbart)