Internet sleuthing is exposing the world’s monsters and deviants. The same forces that torpedoed Harvey Weinstein’s career have vindicated President Trump. One of the women who accused him of sexual assault has been revealed as a fraud.
Jill Harth sued Trump in the 90’s, claiming that he’d slid his hands up her legs while at a dinner party. She continued to peddle her story in 2016 while Trump was campaigning.
Before she renewed her attack, however, the makeup artist sent a string of emails praising the president and begging to work with him again.
Her original complaints against Trump are horrific; he’s a demon if they’re true.
“He pushed me up against the wall, and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again. And I had to physically say: ‘What are you doing? Stop it.’ It was a shocking thing to have him do this because he knew I was with George, he knew they were in the next room. And how could he be doing this when I’m there for business?” recalled Harth.
You would think that after such a harrowing experience, Harth wouldn’t have a lot of good things to say about Trump. You’d be wrong. Despite her allegations, she still supports him.
“I … would like to show my support for Donald and his campaign. I am offering my services to do his grooming and getting him perfectly camera ready for photos and Hi-Definition TV,” Harth wrote in a 2015 email to Trump’s campaign.
In an email sent to Trump himself, she wrote: “I am definitely on Team Trump as so many others are… I can’t watch television without seeing you or hearing your name everywhere! It’s a good thing for sure but PLEASE let me do your makeup for a television interview, a debate, a photo session, anything!”
Those don’t sound like the words of a woman who was nearly raped. She assures the campaign team multiple times that she would be willing to publicly express her support for Trump.
The liberal bulwark of lies against the president can’t hold up much longer.
(Source: Daily Mail)