Why are U.S. troops still in Syria? President Trump is ready to bring them home.
“I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back home. I want to start rebuilding our nation,” he said Tuesday.
“As far as Syria is concerned, our primary mission in terms of that was getting rid of ISIS… We’ve completed that task and we’ll be making a decision very quickly, in coordination with others in the area, as to what we will do.”
A lot of Washington stalwarts thought the president was too hasty, they urged him to adopt a more a gradual plan.
“The military mission to eradicate ISIS in Syria is coming to a rapid end, with ISIS being almost completely destroyed,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday.
“The United States and our partners remain committed to eliminating the small ISIS presence in Syria that our forces have not already eradicated.”
Military commanders don’t recommend an abrupt, sudden pullout but a lot of minds agree that it’s time for American troops to leave Syria. The money that’s being spent on the mission would be better spent on domestic projects.
President Trump isn’t a war-monger. He supports the military but he’s not its slave.
“We will continue to consult with our allies and friends regarding future plans… We expect countries in the region and beyond, plus the United Nations, to work toward peace and ensure that ISIS never re-emerges,” Sanders said in a statement.
Trump is incredibly effective. Unlike a lot of politicians, he knows how to get things done. Syria is turning into a money pit. It’s important to stabilize the region but not at the expense of American prosperity.
Trump managed to bring ISIS to its knees within a year. How long will it take for him to finish the job?
(Source: CNN)