Another DACA deal is floating around Congress. President Trump is considering extending the bill’s protections for another three years- as long as Democrats agree to do what he wants.
Trump cares about the border wall. He’s not overjoyed about the Dreamer situation, but he recognizes that the real threat facing our country comes from our unsecured borders. He’s willing to give Democrats everything thing they’ve been fighting for if they agree to fund the border wall.
“Securing the border is one of the most vital functions of government and is a core part of any routine funding bill,” White House spokesman Raj Shah said in a statement.
“Separately, we have never stopped working to negotiate an immigration reform package that addresses DACA, stops illegal immigration and secures and modernizes our legal immigration system.”
Republicans aren’t happy.
“Why would we punt this to three years when we potentially have a different Congress?” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows asked. “I see no rationale for us to do this.”
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn added: “I don’t think this is going to be the resolution of the DACA issue… I just don’t see the DACA issue being resolved in the next week.”
Hardline conservatives feel as though President Trump is giving away the goods too cheaply. They agree that the border wall is a priority, but they also want a host of other changes implemented.
Additionally, some conservatives aren’t sure that it makes sense to extend DACA protections at all.
President Trump is a master negotiator. The first round of DACA discussions failed because Democrats refused to cooperate. They wouldn’t agree to anything Trump said he needed to make the deal go through.
Now, he’s only asking for the wall. Will Washington’s Democrats finally be ready to make a deal?
(Source: Daily Mail)