For all the times that Hillary Clinton has said that Donald Trump is unfit to be president, she sure has a mounting pile of evidence that she is also not fit and has a temper and stories to prove it. Of course, she’d never tell any of these stories, but we know about them from a book.
Trump recently went on Hannity to talk about the book that an ex-Secret Service agent wrote about his time with the Clintons, more specifically Hillary. Of course, Trump has read the book and knows the more salient points where Hillary is called out for being completely and utterly nuts with a temper to match.
Once Hannity asks the question, Trump UNLOADS!
Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton’s judgment and temperament during a discussion about an ex-Secret Service agent’s revealing new book about the former first family on Hannity.
Sean Hannity asked Trump what he thought of the book, which describes Clinton’s leadership style as “volcanic” and claims she lacks the temperament to be president.
Trump said it’s surprising the book has gotten so little coverage “because it says, basically, her temperament is a disaster.”
“I don’t know if the word is getting out,” Trump said. “This is somebody that knew them very, very well. Saw her in action. And look, she was a disaster. She doesn’t have the temperament. She doesn’t have a lot of things to be president, including, frankly, good judgment. Her judgment is horrible.”
Trump said that Bernie Sanders has said the same thing about Clinton – “so, he got something right.”
This is awesome! I think this is one of the largest points of the campaign that no one is talking about. Everyone keeps talking about guns and Muslims, but the candidates are the biggest stories here. We need to ensure Hillary NEVER gets into office and the only way we have that power is to share stories like these so anyone willing to listen can see them.
Get this word out and have your voice heard!
(Source: Fox News)