Donald Trump has now famously called out Ford for moving a plant to Mexico. Now he’s doing it again.
Sentry Safe Locks, who is owned by well known lock brand “Master Lock,” is about to close up shop in Rochester, New York in June and move it’s operations to Mexico to save money. Employees are outraged, naturally, and are left with nothing and wondering what’s next as the company dumps them once the move goes through. Trump called out Sentry Safe as he passed through Rochester on his presidential campaign tour and took direct aim at the lock maker, saying we need to keep these companies and jobs in the US.
And soon to be former employees are speaking out and proving him right.
On June 30, Sentry Safe locks its doors and moves to Mexico. Trump said as president he would stop it. An employee we talked to wishes someone could stop the company from closing. He’s worked at Sentry Safe for 14 years, but his job ends in June.
“Sentry Safe just left,” said Trump. “They moved to Mexico, right? No good, no good. I’m the only one who knows how to stop it. I would stop them so fast your heads would spin. Your heads would spin.”
Trump said as president he would impose a 35 percent tax on any Sentry Safe product made in Mexico and imported back into this country.
Sentry Safe employee Todd Chapman says, “What he had to say yesterday was exactly what I wanted to hear.”
Chapman is an engineer at Sentry safe. His job ends at the end of June. He had a ticket for Trump’s rally.
Brean: “What did you think of his comments on Sentry Safe?”
Chapman: “I think they were right on. I think if we’re going to move these jobs overseas, the one thing we’re not moving overseas is the taxes. When my job ends in June, I’m going to get a school tax bill and I’m going to be expected to pay that.”
Chapman wonders how he will pay that when his job moved to Mexico.
Exactly. And herein lies the problems with these companies moving to Mexico, or anywhere else. The Americans that need these jobs are left stranded, wondering what future they have. It’s ridiculous and frankly, really sad. We need Trump to keep these companies here and give Americans their jobs back!
(Source: WHEC 10)