Democratic blowhard Howard Dean spent Wednesday morning raving to MSNBC about President Trump’s supposedly “criminal” activities. Liberals love Dean, they’ve been lapping up his lies for years. He formerly chaired the DNC.
“This guy, I’ve said for a long time, I think he’s running a criminal enterprise out of the White House,” Dean ranted to host Ari Melber.
The Russia investigation has been a bust and the Democrats don’t know what else to do. Locking up Michael Flynn isn’t the same as charging Trump. They want the president to be guilty of something but they don’t know how to prove anything.
“Well, the promotion is extraordinary… There hasn’t been a president in my lifetime that’s done anything like this,” Dean griped. Like many liberals, he believes that Trump’s vast business empire poses a conflict of interest with his duties as president.
“It is pretty clear that he is shaking down foreign governments, or his staff is shaking down foreign governments, who have moved their events to his hotel in Washington at somebody’s request in order to get favors,” Dean added.
“And I think that’s what Bob Mueller’s on the track of.”
Hillary Clinton’s defeat was so long ago that you would think people would be tired of talking about it. A lot of Democrats, however, are still bitter over her loss. Their rage won’t abate because they refuse to accept Trump as their president. Previously reasonable men like Dean are acting like bratty children.
“That was crookedness… This system is broken. The Republicans are the party of corruption,” said Dean.
(Source: Daily Mail)