Paragon of virtue and lawmaker extraordinaire, Trey Gowdy is one of those men that just get it. Every time we showcase his work on here it’s because he is not only speaking the truth, he’s speaking sense.
Thus far it has been a bit murky as to what Gowdy’s role in the new administration would be. Now, that is becoming clearer.
According to reports, everyone’s favorite conservative attorney has been named to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and I can’t expect that Obama is very happy about that. That’s right, Gowdy is going to be one of our top intelligence men, for good reason.
Here’s Gowdy grilling current “intelligence” that clearly don’t care about individual rights:
In what some may see as an encouraging sign of intelligence being ushered in by the incoming Trump administration, U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy has been named to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
The South Carolina Republican, popular with the conservative wing of the GOP, was chair of the Select Committee on Benghazi and will now be tasked with the oversight of the United States intelligence community in his new committee.
“Protecting the safety and security of our fellow citizens is the preeminent function of government,” Gowdy said in a statement, according to The Greenville News. “When it comes to our national security, we cannot afford to take risks.
“The House Intelligence Committee plays a vital role in protecting Americans both at home and abroad through conducting thorough oversight of our nation’s intelligence agencies.”
This is an incredibly positive sign for the Trump administration because the Obama administration has virtually ZERO intelligence on it at all. Trey Gowdy will be on the Supreme Court one day, mark my words.
If you think this is a huge win for Trump’s incoming administration, share this information on Facebook and tell the world!
(Source: BizPac Review)