As this story and likely saga unfolds, the worse and worse it’s looking for James Comey and Barack Obama. Not only that, but every single liberal media outlet is chiming in with opinions and “sources” that they can’t name.
Imagine the position that puts people like Trey Gowdy in. Gowdy is a man of the law and when the liberal media touts claims with no sources, he raises a highly suspect eyebrow at it all. The liberal media spews these “claims” and they have no way of proving it because they won’t name their “sources.”
So what is Gowdy’s response to all this yammering from the left? STFU.
“I think Congress is much better equipped to do investigations than journalists are,” the South Carolina Republican told host bill Hemmer. “We can’t rely on anonymous sources. We can’t rely on leaked information, classified information which in and of itself is a crime.”
“So with all due respect, to the reporters, I can’t cross-examine anonymous sources. You can’t even directly examine them. It’s a lot easier to write a news piece than it is to conduct an investigation.”
“What Congress needs is access to the witnesses, access to the documents and they need to understand we don’t run parallel, criminal investigations,” Gowdy continued. “We have a job to do, but it is not to investigate crime.”
And we couldn’t agree more with Rep. Gowdy! He’s 100% right. Without proper evidence from the left to say that this is false, you can’t trust them. You can’t just say that the allegations aren’t true and then cite “sources” with no backup. You could be making it all up.
And given the left’s propensity for making things up, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that was the only true part of their statements.
(Source: The Daily Caller)