BLM rabble rouser and all around complete moron Colin Kaepernick received the highest honor that the 49ers could bestow upon a player. What he or the team didn’t expect was the backlash from this empty, hollow gesture.
If you missed this abortion of NFL politically correctness, Kaepernick was given the Len Eshmont Award which the team describes as “the 49er who best exemplifies the inspirational and courageous play of Len Eshmont, an original member of the 1946 49ers team.” It’s given out each year to the play they see as the most inspirational. This is essentially the 49ers giving Kaepernick the award for protesting police brutality by kneeling for the national anthem and calling it courageous. Also interesting to note, it’s the players to vote on this award, not the league itself.
NFL legend Joe Theisman took offense to that and put everything in perspective for this backwards, anti-American NFL team.
Appearing Tuesday on “Outnumbered,” Theismann called out the San Francisco 49ers for awarding the team’s most prestigious honor to Kaepernick, who sparked controversy this season by refusing to stand for the national anthem.
“You’re a 2-14 football team; he’s won one football game. What has he inspired?” Theismann said.
Theismann said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has been “wishy washy” on this subject and he would like to see the league adopt a policy similar to the NBA in which all players are required to stand for the national anthem.
“I don’t agree with what he’s done,” Theismann said. “As a matter of fact, the American flag…stands for the right to be able to do the things you wanna do, to be able to stand up and have a difference of opinion. I agree with that part of it, but not when you’re on the job.”
So the next time you watch a 49ers football game, just remember that both they and Colin Kaepernick do not care about America, the police, or our military. All they care about is media attention whoring.
I say we expel them from the NFL entirely. Who’s with me?
(Source: Fox News)