This is just the height of hilarity, folks. When the liberals all say that Muslims aren’t violent, they only have to look at this to see just how wrong they can be.
If you’ve been on Facebook or other social networks recently, you may have seen Muslims in America protesting with signs outside of buildings saying something to the effect of “I’m a Muslim. I’m labeled a terrorist. I trust you. Do you trust me enough to hug me?”
The person who started this is a man who converted to become a Muslim named is Craig Wallace, also known as Muhammad Mujahid Islam. And, surprise surprise, now he’s done something horrible.
But Wallace, 23, could be now facing up to six months in jail after he trolled MP Charlotte Leslie on Facebook saying he would “drop a bomb on her house”.
He threatened to find Ms Leslie and “show her what it’s like to murder innocents, you dirty pig f*****g whore.”
The Daily Mail added,
Wearing a white traditional Islamic dress and a grey jumper slung over his shoulders, he spoke only to confirm his name and address before entering a guilty plea.
He was remanded in custody.
The court heard the messages came to light after Ms Leslie’s father saw the comments online and reported them to police.
Wallace claimed he was ‘venting his anger’ and had not had any sleep because he had been ‘protesting for two or three days’.
District Judge Mark Jabbitt said: ‘What’s absolutely clear is that your language and expressions about this MP Ms Leslie, who you have no knowledge of, went beyond any sort of legitimate comment or protest on an extremely serious issue.
‘What you did was personalised it and used really the most vile, insulting and threatening language imaginable on a forum.’
He ordered a full risk assessment report on Wallace and expressed concern that he was not being formally supervised after his release from prison.
Abu Sayeed, defending, said Wallace has mental health issues and had not been taking his anti-psychotic medication.
‘He has co-operated fully with the police and expressed remorse and regret,’ he added. ‘He made the comments to vent his anger.
‘Mr Wallace is a Muslim convert, he converted while serving his last sentence. He feels very passionately about the bombing in Syria and the vote recently taken in Parliament.
‘He had been out with other protesters and was protesting for two or three days and not had much sleep and hadn’t taken his medication.’
Wallace has never met Ms Leslie and thought the page was a ‘closed group’, Mr Sayeed said.
‘In the current climate people would have been fearful of his comments,’ he added.
(Source: Express UK,Daily Mail)