Last week’s election numbers are in and it’s not looking pretty for the democrats that think the GOP has an outdated and backward message.
Republicans absolutely crushed democrats on nearly every level during last week’s state and local government elections. So much so that someone made a map of the U.S. where all the victories happened. Check it out below and basque in the glory of all that red!
Boom! Big time wins in nearly every state. More than half and nearly 60% of states went Republican. If that’s not a sign of how bad things are with the Obama administration and people being fed up, I’m not sure what would be.
So, can Democrats be competitive at the state and local level? It remains to be seen, but it’s certainly possible. But given the demographics of some of these areas, which are firmly Republican, and the fact that the local party apparatuses have withered; it’s quite the hurdle indeed. Yet, Republicans won in areas carried by Obama Tuesday night. Maybe Democrats just need to get over Obamamania and think clearly.
Couldn’t agree more. Out with the old, in with the new! With Trump leading in every Republican poll we have, it’s just a matter of time before he moves into the White House! Oh yeah!
(Source: Hot Air)