Here’s something that’s sure to make you smile today.
As President Obama continues to put American lives in jeopardy by allowing in Islamic refugees as opposed to Christian ones, as well as defending Islam and saying it’s ideologies are not malicious in any way, someone is FINALLY calling him out for his BS. Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters went on Fox News after John Kerry condemned ISIS for committing genocide against religious minorities such as Christians, in the Middle East.
While you’d think that’s a good thing, Peters put the whole Obama administration and their never ending rhetoric in it’s place!
Peters said the reluctance up until now exposed how the Obama administration as a whole views Islam and Christianity.
“This administration still romanticizes Islam,” he said. “It still finds Christians somehow distasteful. It’s almost as if the administration feels Christians have no real right to be in the Middle East. And Christians were there a long time before Muslims were – six centuries.”
“I just believe it’s time for action,” he added. “I think this is something worth fighting for, but obviously the administration doesn’t.”
Couldn’t. Agree. MORE!
(Source: Breitbart)