With the recent gay marriage legalization and President Obama being openly supportive of the new law, some harsh words are coming from a very interesting sources.
The President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, recently said:
I’ve just concluded – since President Obama endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people and enjoys an attractive countenance – thus if it becomes necessary, I shall travel to Washington, DC, get down on my knee and ask his hand.
He of course was being sarcastic, but went on to say,
I can’t understand how these people dare to defy Christ’s explicit orders as our Lord prohibited mankind from sodomy.
He also added that the current administration was
a bunch of perverted Satan-worshipers who insult the great American nation.
Later, in an interview with BBC Africa, he says:
Even Satan wasn’t gay, he chose to approach naked Eve instead of naked Adam.
Mugabe is very outspoken about homosexuality, disagreeing with it on every level, but having a good sense of humor to boot. This guy sounds like more of a red-blooded American than President Obama himself!
(Source: DailyMail)