HAHA! I do love it when justice comes to those who deserve it. Especially the Clintons.
And what’s even better than a Clinton bombshell? How about when it’s revealed that those who say they’re not anti-Trump actually are exposed to be exactly that? That’s currently what is happening in this developing and breaking story. As we’re all well aware by now, Trump University is under investigation for pretty weird reasons like “high-pressure sales tactics” (isn’t that something you’re supposed to learn at school?) and pressuring students to pay thousands of dollars for Trump’s insights. As a result, it’s now going to court.
Also, as we all know, when you go to court you have to face the judge. The judge on this case is Gonzalo Curiel and the people who are suing Trump U are being appointed a law firm to represent them. You’ll never guess who that law firm has ties to…
You’ve heard Wall Street investment banks like Goldman Sachs have paid millions for speeches delivered by Bill and Hillary Clinton. But have you heard about all the law firms that also paid big bucks to hear the Clintons talk? Well, it’s true. Some of the biggest law firms doled out hundreds of thousands for just one speech, and all the proceeds appear to have gone right into the Clintons’ coffers.
According to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s 2015 financial disclosure, most of their income came from book royalties and paid speeches. Clinton has been under intense pressure to release her transcripts from Wall Street bank speeches, but little has been said about her speeches to high profile law firms. These law firms often represent high net worth individuals, and companies. We examined The Washington Post database; take a look at which law firms have paid both Hillary and Bill a pretty penny!
- Hogan Lovells US LLP (New York based law firm) paid Bill Clinton $225,000 (6/20/2014)
- White & Case LLP (New York based law firm) paid Bill Clinton $200,000 (1/27/2012)
- Latham & Watkins, LLP (Los Angeles based) paid Bill Clinton $150,000 (3/8/2013)
- Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP (San Diego based), paid a Bill and Hillary Clinton a total of $450,000 for two different speeches (9/17/2013) (9/4/2014) Bill Clinton also received $225,000 for a speech in 2009 before the firm was renamed.
- Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check LLP (based near Philadelphia) paid Bill Clinton $500,000 (3/7/2014)
And what’s the law firm Judge Curiel chose to represent the people suing Trump U? It’s the one in the third bullet point above, Robbins, Geller, Rudman & Dowd. So not only are the pretenses of this case shaky to begin with, but now the judge has appointed a law firm that have the Clintons nearly half a million dollars for 1 (!!!) speech?
Yes. Why don’t we hear about the TRUTH about Trump U from the man himself shall we?
I don’t know about you, but this all seems incredible fishy to me and a completely biased targeting of a man that, quite frankly, shouldn’t be in court of something this stupid. If you can’t take the heat or pressure of schooling at any level, maybe you should reevaluate your merit for being there in the first place.