It’s Super Tuesday! The Republican primary elections have been hard-fought with political titans battling it out for precious votes, in the chance to get the Republican nomination. The front runners, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, made their cases late into the night to sway on-the-fence voters.
The results are in. Donald Trump is leading the field by a wide margin!
As polls begin to close in Super Tuesday states, Republican front-runner Donald Trump claimed an early win in Georgia, NBC News projects.
The GOP race in Vermont remains too early to call, while Virginia is too close to call, according to early exit polls, with Trump and Marco Rubio both vying for the top spot
NBC news does say the race is too close to call, but Trump is ahead in both primaries as we speak. We’ll also be keeping an eye on Texas as that’s Ted Cruz’s home state and a loss to Trump would probably end his campaign.
UPDATE 10:21 PM 03/01/16
It looks as if Trump is winning the vast majority of primaries and caucuses.
(Source: NBC News)
[…] Throughout Commercial Break, Met in Hallway prior to Debate”), exaggerate even the good news (Yes I’m Right: “The Results Are In. Trump Is CRUSHING Every Primary!”), present rumors as accepted truths […]