Kellyanne Conway sure was an incredible pick by Donald Trump to lead his campaign. She helped lead him to victory over the hateful shrew that is Hillary Clinton. Not only that, but she’s staying on as a senior advisor and with reactions like these, she’s proving her worth time and time again.
News broke last last night about Russia having blackmail like materials on Donald Trump and that they are holding him hostage and controlling him because of this. Not only that, the left also claimed, falsely (proven by the FBI), that Russia hacked the election, even though it’s been disproven by Wikileaks. Conway had enough and went on ABC news to shoot down all of these claims.
We can’t agree with her more.
“I don’t even think this is fake news. I think it’s just fake. I would take the news word right out of it.”
Stephanopoulos asked Conway if she was sure that nobody associated with Trump or the campaign met with Russian officials, and she insisted that she “certainly didn’t.”
“I wasn’t talking to Moscow,” said Conway. “I was talking to people in Macomb County, Michigan. That’s how we won.”
The report accused Trump aide Michael Cohen of traveling to Prague, and Conway said Wednesday Cohen had never been to Prague.
“We looked at his passport. He was at USC with his son meeting with the baseball coach there when this, ‘dossier,’ very weighty important-sounding word that I would also push back on as an internet report. There’s a lot of crap on the internet as we all know and he was in California, not in Moscow, not in Prague,” Conway said.
Once again the left peddles fakes news and has the gall to pawn it off on the American people as fact.
Don’t believe a word the left says. It’s ALL fake news. And to those saying that the right is still peddling fake news, here’s a fact you can publish: having an opinion isn’t fake news.
It means that you are so delusional to think that something outside of your own opinion is fake news, you have to come up with a term to cope with your losses.
(Source: Newsmax)
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