Look, we all know that Obama doesn’t really care about the safety of our country, much less the safety of other nations. If he did, he wouldn’t have given Israel’s greatest enemy, Iran, hundreds of billions of dollars for nukes, he wouldn’t have advocated for open borders policies with Syrian refugees, and he wouldn’t have been completely ineffective with ISIS. That he can’t hide.
But for God’s sakes, can he just pretend like he’s not a total piece of human garbage for five freaking minutes?
In a press conference about the horrible terrorist shooting in Munich, Germany perpetrated by a cowardly German-Iranian national (surprise, surprise) in which 10 innocent people, including children, were killed in a shopping mall, Obama made a joke about himself.
He made a joke about how his daughters were going off to college and leaving their dad, with the liberal lackeys in the media laughing like a pack of rabid hyenas. He didn’t talk about how terrorism is a threat to Western civilization and that the time for diplomacy with radical Islam is over – no, the first thing out of his mouth was something about his kids, ironically enough, as the expense of people that wouldn’t be going home to theirs.
This is disgusting.
Hey, Obama, here’s a thought, how about instead of making this about you, we finally put a boot up ISIS’ backside and drop the charade. Had it taken place in America, you would have blamed guns or workplace violence, or cops. However, it’s illegal for citizens to carry guns in Germany, do they need to make them super-duper illegal?
What a buffoon. I’m glad that his party is losing voters like the plague and people are finally speaking out against this monster:
Munich. Trump is right again. His speech wasn't "dark." It was the truth. It's Obama and Hillary's results that are dark.
— Wayne Root – Wayne Allyn Root – TV & Radio Host (@RealWayneRoot) July 22, 2016
This contrast between the Obama headline and the #Munich story on CNN is striking… pic.twitter.com/VZ4k3raxiW
— Adam Shaw (@AdamShawNY) July 22, 2016
Actually Obama is right.Birds are chirping, sun is shining& shouts of Allah Akbar fill the air.Just a typical day in leftie paradise!#Munich
— alex xd (@alexxdxdxdxdxd) July 22, 2016
How does President Obama square his comments today about sun shining and birds singing and no one should be afraid with the Munich attack.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) July 22, 2016
Munich shots fired while #Obama claims there are birds chirping outside and life is wonderful and everyone is safe!😡😡
— PPV_TAHOE (@ppv_tahoe) July 22, 2016
I can’t wait until we don’t have to deal with this lying sack of crap anymore.