Sanctuary cities just got some terrible news from Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, and we couldn’t be happier.
Sanctuary cities are where many illegal immigrants go to avoid federal deportation or fines or any other number of offenses. The liberals have always said that these illegal immigrants are only trying to escape from their poor, horrible countries and making a new life for themselves.
While that may be true, they’re still breaking the law and allowing for ridiculous amounts of criminals to cross into our country, not to mention the fact that they are a slap in the face to all legal immigrants who came here the correct way. Thankfully, these cities harboring illegals will soon be a thing of the past. Governor Abbott is about to pull their funding entirely.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott threatened to cut funding for one county after its sheriff announced the agency would be scaling back its cooperation with federal immigration.
Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez announced last week she’s scaling back the amount of aid her department provides federal immigration agents in detaining suspects who might be in the country illegally, according to the Austin American-Statesman.
Starting Feb. 1, sheriff’s officials will begin honoring so-called immigration holds or “detainers” placed by federal authorities only when a suspect is booked into the Travis County Jail on charges of capital murder, aggravated sexual assault and “continuous smuggling of persons.”
Abbott’s response to this disgusting display?
Abbott responded to the announcement, tweeting his office “will cut funding for Travis County adopting sanctuary policies.”
“Stiffer penalties coming,” Abbott’s tweet said.
BOOM! Mess with the bull, get the horns as the old saying goes. Abbott is a staunch Trump supporter and is fully on board with his immigration policy. Soon, sanctuary cities will be a thing of the past, and I can’t wait. Who’s with me?
(Source: Fox News)
[…] It would only make sense for the federal government to take away funding from these sanctuary cities that want to protect the illegals. After all, they are actively going against the government, so it’s only fair. That is exactly what Texas Governor Gregg Abbott has threatened to do. […]