Former Fox News Host Eric Bolling recorded a heart-wrenching public service announcement as part of the Trump administration’s war on opioids. Bolling’s 19-year-old son died of an overdose last fall.
“My son was a very, very social high schooler,” an emotional Bolling says in the video.
“He liked to have fun. He was a normal kid.”
Bolling then went on to describe the moment he learned that his son had passed away.
“My wife and I are out to dinner having a very normal dinner… On the way home my wife was driving and my phone rang. It was about 10:30 at night,” he described.
“My cell phone rang and it was a young man who was panicked. He said, ‘Mr. Bolling, call Kayla (a friend of their son) right now.’”
“I said: ‘What’s going on?’”
“And he said: ‘Just call Kayla right now.’”
Bolling then called Kayla, who told him what had happened. Eric Chase Bolling was found dead in his college dorm room. The medical examiner determined that he had ingested a lethal amount of “cocaine, marijuana, Xanax, and two opioids – fentanyl and cyclopropyl fentanyl.”
The Bollings were devastated.
“Is it something we did?” they asked.
“We never saw it coming. We never thought we would get that call. Every parent doesn’t want it. We got it… And then it’s also coupled with [the thought] “What are people going to think? What are our neighbors going to think? What are our friends going to think?”
Eric Chase died the day after Bolling was fired from Fox News.
Bolling is now using his influence to combat the drug war. Since his son’s death, he’s spoken with countless people who have been affected by the crisis.
“I pray my voice helps parents realize the importance of getting involved in their kids’ social activities,” he wrote in an op-ed piece last month.
(Source: Daily Mail)