I’m a bit confused, maybe someone can explain this to me. You see, if you ask liberals what they think about Islam, you’ll get responses that include things like “religion of peace” and “moderate” and plenty of other nonsense that shields the very real patriarchy and rape culture going on this very second in the […]
Liberal Dummies Make Anti-Trump Video And End Up Knocking THEMSELVES Out!
We’ve all seen the dumb Anti-Trump whiners that lie about statistics and reality to promote whatever leftist agenda of the day. They say he’s sexist, racist, homophobic, and whatever other -phobic trait that they can think of that day. However, we know that Trump is the strongest candidate for all people in quite some time […]
This 9 Year Old Girl’s Reaction To Meeting Donald Trump Will Restore Your Faith In America!
When our country is headed by liberals talking about how our kids need to be raised in a progressive society, I always cringe a little. However, when a child that was raised right makes themselves known, it shows every liberal parent that they’ve been doing it wrong all this time. In this adorable video, a […]