So here is Islamism in a nutshell: A radical talking head goes on a public forum and starts spouting nonsense about how the West will pay for its transgressions against Allah, its women will be raped and will submit to his will, and that Muslims will take over the world. Right afterwards, the second someone […]
One Liberal Country Wants To Ban Trump, He Said “I’ll Take My Money With Me!” WHOA!
Donald Trump doesn’t pull punches and he doesn’t hold grudges without reason. That’s why when a group of liberals in the United Kingdom proposed a travel ban, banning Trump from the country indefinitely (because of his views on issues), Trump responded in the only way Trump can – directly. According to Reuters, Republican presidential […]
ISIS Is Finished! Two New Allies Are Set To KICK THEIR ***!
We have a new ally confirmed and another potentially joining in the fight against ISIS and I couldn’t be happier! Germany has just pledged it’s support to France and will join in on the ISIS bombardments in Syria. Germany said that it wouldn’t fire bombs directly, but would aid France in ways that will keep […]