Let’s admit it. We all have that Star Wars fantasy of being able to have a sword made of pure light that can deflect laser bullets. It’s just plain cool. Those same light sabers in the movie can also cut through darn near anything. Well now we have a tool, thanks to the U.S. Air […]
When Obama Said This About Our Military, He Got SHUT DOWN INSTANTLY! I Can’t Stop Cheering!
I love when Obama gets what’s coming to him and here’s a case that’ll leave you cheering all day long! Obama has said over and over again that the only way to win against ISIS is to strike from the air and hit tactical targets. Well while that’s all well and good, America knows better […]
They Expected A Big Christmas Present. What They Actually Got…INCREDIBLE!
Every holiday season, out troops spend their time overseas and away from their families. And every time I see one of these videos my heart swells with Christmas and patriotic pride! Here is possibly the best examples I have ever seen compiled into one video. Watch this and try not to smile. I dare you. […]
BREAKING: Obama Caves To Republican Pressure. U.S. Sending Troops To Fight ISIS. They’re FINISHED!
Well it’s about damn time! The U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced today that we will be sending troops to Syria to battle ISIS and help special forces raid ISIS strongholds and known territories. This comes hot on the heals of Republican pressure to send ground troops to fight ISIS as there have been […]
Obama Said We Could Defeat ISIS From The Sky. Republicans PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE!
Leave it to Obama to over simplify everything and think that minimally invasive strategies will get the job done. Not so fast coward in chief! Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham have gone off on Obama’s cowardess when it comes to ISIS and the terrorist organization when it comes to beating them. Air strikes […]
Here’s What Weapons The U.S. Uses To Hammer ISIS. Holy ****! They’re DONE!
If this is what we’re using in Syria and Iraq, and according to this video is it, ISIS has literally no chance at all. Wow! With the announcement yesterday that we will be sending troops to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq, the U.S. will also be ramping up air efforts to support the ground […]
Do Our Troops Deserve To Be Taken Care Of? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/do-our-troops-deserve-to-be-taken-care-of”]
When Congress Tried To Raise Pay For Veterans, Obama Shot It Down. Unbelievable!
This pretty much confirms that Obama is not only a bad president, but also a complete jerk. Obama used his power of veto the other day. Not on a law trying to ban Planned Prenthood. Not on a law trying to oppress Americans. Not on a law threatening our way of living. Nope. He used […]
Should We Take Care Of Our Troops Before Sending Money Overseas? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/should-we-take-care-of-our-troops-before-sending-money-overseas”]