Last year in a town hall setting in which the subject was gun control, then-President Barack Obama took questions from the audience. He wasn’t ready for what happened next. Sheriff Paul Babeu asked president Obama, “What would your executive actions have solved?” This was in relation to mass shootings under the Obama administration’s time in […]
Town Hall
MUST-SEE: Trump Sets The Record Straight In His Most EPIC Interview EVER!
Donald Trump is a man who needs no introduction, with his brash antics and charismatic flair leading to his overwhelming victories in the country’s state primaries thus far. However, he’s adopted a more subtle and measured tone recently, and to reflect that, he’s taken to Fox News to clear the air about certain aspects of […]
Melania Trump Gave Donald One Piece Of Advice…Then The Crowd Went NUTS! WHOA!
Melania Trump should be first lady no matter who is in office. Seriously this woman is wise, classy, and light years ahead of Michelle “The Mooch” Obama. When questioned by another favorite of ours, Sean Hannity, during a town hall meeting, Melania responded with an answer that has us cheering and sharing it all over […]
MUST-WATCH: Trump Said One Word About Ted Cruz That Shocked EVERYONE! WHOA
Donald Trump is our pick for the race to the White House because he says what he means and means what he says. Having said that, he’s not one to stray from controversy – the latest of which has him poised against Ted Cruz directly. In one of Trump’s town hall meetings, a supporter yelled […]
American Sniper Widow RIPS Obama’s Gun Control Speech Apart TO HIS FACE!
Taya Kyle is the widow of former U.S. Sniper and American hero, Chris Kyle. The movie “American Sniper” was modeled after his life. Last night Taya was at the town hall, which was by invitation only, to hear Obama speak about guns, gun laws, and gun control and how it affects Americans. Well Miss Kyle […]
Liberals Said Trump Was Finished, Watch As He Leaves His Critics SPEECHLESS!
Recently, Donald Trump has been in the news for a feud with CNN about them reporting about the somewhat lackluster turnout of a South Carolina rally for African-American business owners. Liberal media outlets took to their soapboxes, proclaiming that this was the beginning of the end for Trump’s campaign, but forgot to mention that the […]