I always like looking back in time and seeing what dumb statements liberals have made about why they think they know so much more than the rest of us. There’s perhaps no better example of this than when Ann Coulter showed up on Bill Maher’s show in June of 2015 to talk about who will […]
RNC Chairman ADMITS That Donald Trump Is RIGHT, The System Is RIGGED! OMG!
“Donald Trump is right again.” This is a phrase you should all just get used to hearing now. As the primaries have been increasingly one sided for Ted Cruz, though Donald Trump seems to have vastly more support, Trump has been blowing the whistle that the Primaries are “rigged.” While rigged might bot be the […]
Hillary Laid Out Her Tax Plan But Forgot ONE Thing That DESTROYED Her CAMPAIGN! OH YES!
I do believe this is the definition of eating your own words. The RNC has been under fire from Trump and Trump supporters alike in their backwards and establishment beliefs. However, there is one thing ALL consevatives can agree on: Hillary Clinton is an idiot. Here’s some proof to that in the form of an […]
Trump Just Issued An EPIC CHALLENGE To The Establishment! The Gloves Are OFF!
Trump is coming out guns-a-blazing! It’s no secret that the GOP establishment does not want a Trump presidency. They’ve proven it time and time again by backing Cruz and talking down to Trump and his supporters. Well, Trump has had enough and it calling out the entire RNC, specifically Reince Priebus. This is an EPIC […]
RNC Committee Says If 1 Thing Happens, Trump Will GO ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!
This is the best news we’ve heard all day! The RNC and GOP on the whole have been very anti-Trump for a long time now, but it seems that position is softening. Softening to the tune of starting to say that Trump will win the nomination. We’ve known this all along, but hearing this from […]
MUST-WATCH: This EPIC Video From Donald Trump’s Youth Will SILENCE Every Hater!
The liberal establishment just got a swift kick to the crotch on this one. They look unbelievably foolish. Here is some proof that they completely forgot to, you know, check in to before blasting Trump for being a non-conservative, democrat. Oops. But it’s liberals so I’m not surprised they did no research at all. This […]