In the Left’s continued war against individuality, something has just become apparently clear that might warrant discussion about how sane the left is in the first place. As we now know, London, England had recently elected a new mayor. The mayor’s name is Sadiq Khan. He’s a member of Parliment for the Labour Party. He […]
radical islam
Muslim Journalist Said “White People Can’t Understand Islam!”, Gets KNOCKED OUT Instantly!
This is one of the most ridiculous exchanges I’ve seen in a long time. Muslim and Palestinian journalist Rula Jebreal was on CNN and decided to tell Buck Sexton, an analyist for The Blaze and former CIA analyst that he doesn’t understand Islam or Muslims. What most people won’t know about her is that she’s […]
ISIS Loving Terrorists Thought They Could Fool America. They Got A Dose Of INSTANT JUSTICE!
You can’t hide from us ISIS terrorists. Not even in our own country. Two “Americans” have been arrested in association with the terror group as they were conspiring to flee the U.S. and join ISIS as well as give the group money and other resources. Jaelyn Delshaun Young and her fiance, Muhammad Oda Dakhlalla, pleaded […]
Muslims Attacked This Christian Store Owner, But Didn’t Expect Him To Do THIS! WHOA!
Last week a heinous act played out at a deli in Ohio and it was pretty grim. An owner of a deli in Ohio, who happens to have and Israeli and Christian background, was attacked last week when a Muslim entered his store brandishing a machete. Mohamed Barry, came in and asked where the owner […]
ISIS Tried To Recruit Young Black Men, But This Black Leader SHUT ‘EM DOWN!
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson routinely steps up against the liberal left and calls them out for being completely insane. For example, he famously called out Louis Farrahkan when he said that “blacks should rise up and kill” whites. The good reverend celled him a racist and a biggot and that it wasn’t helping any kind of […]
Muslims Try To Ruin Christmas. Americans Say, “GO **** YOURSELVES!” [WATCH]
This is exactly why we need to ban all muslims. This right here! Check out this video below and this blasphemous muslim basically says the most offensive thing I’ve ever heard in my life. He says that saying “Merry Christmas” is worse than sex, drinking, and murder COMBINED! This is outrageous! Here’s the video. […]
This Terrorist Piece Of **** Recruited For ISIS And Got INSTANT JUSTICE! WHOA!
Liberals telling you muslims already integrated into American society aren’t dangerous and are being discriminated against? Show them this. They’ll shut up real quick. A man by the name of Mufid Elfgeeh has just admitted to recruiting for ISIS within the U.S. This of course holds a very long sentence when you’re caught, with a […]
BREAKING: Trump Is Right About Refugees! Hundreds Caught With THIS On Their Phones.
Well, well, well. Liberals, I’d love to see you talk your way out of this paper bag. Thought I don’t think you’ll be able to. Trump has preached for months now that refugees from the middle east, especially Syria, should not be allowed into the U.S. Liberals and muslims alike, of course, are up in […]
Another Californian Terrorist? Yup! Man Guilty Of TRYING TO JOIN ISIS!
It appears that Obama doesn’t have to let in 10,000 refugees for terrororism to happen on American soil. It’s already here. Though letting in 10,000+ potential ISIS agents couldn’t help things, it seems as though ISIS is already here in the U.S. and it’s greatly unsettling. A California man has been arrested for attempting to […]
MUST SEE VIDEO: What Every American Needs To Know About Radical Islam. WHOA!
This woman has spoken the truth, folks. I cannot stress that enough. Next time some liberal idiot tells you, “Islamic extremism is such a bunch of garbage! A few bad apples does not spoil the whole bunch!” show them this video. Seriously. Come to this page, click the video below, and make them watch it. […]