FINALLY someone is standing up to the war against Christianity. As you may or may not have heard, Target has bowed to the politically correct, and quite frankly disgusting act, of allowing anyone into any bathroom they so choose. Liberals rejoiced. People who are sane, were sickened. Tennessee seems to be the only state that […]
When Liberals Let Radical Muslims In, These Patriots Set ‘Em Straight INSTANTLY!
We salute these people to the fullest degree and applaud their efforts against the muslim attempt to inhabit America! An anti islamic protest in Irving, Florida shows that not all American’s are supporting refugees coming into this country and attempting to islamisize our great nation. Some of the protesters were armed and carried signs that […]
When A Protester Stomps The Flag, A Veteran Makes Him Regret It INSTANTLY! WOW!
Finally some justice for these America hating idiots! As the GOP debate was raging on in Milwaukee, anti-American protesters stood outside, stepped on the flag, and tried to burn it. Evidenced here by this picture taken from Facebook. I can’t believe what I’m seeing! What protesters didn’t anticipate was the flag being put out by […]
Muslims In Iran Celebrate Murder Of Americans By Burning The Flag…EVERY YEAR!
This is an annual thing that happens in Iran. That’s not an over exaggeration. It’s an actual fact. Every year, on the anniversary of the U.S. embassy takeover in Iran, Iranians celebrate this disgusting act of inhumanity but burning the American flag. And if you needed a reminder, this is a country that Obama just […]
Clueless Liberal Protestor Doesn’t Understand That He Actually AGREES With Trump
This is just pure comedy. These protesters have no idea what they’re talking about. A great example of political stupidity are protesters outside of the GOP debates. Specifically this guy. He’s from an organization called “Hedge Clippers” which supposedly is about economic equality and against the “buying” of political candidates, specifically Republicans, by hedge funds […]