[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/should-we-impeach-obama-and-put-trump-in-the-white-house-right-now”]
Obama Helped ISIS Kill Hundreds Of Thousands For Iran. We Cannot Let This Stand!
This is the kind of president we have, ladies and gentlemen. Obama, in his infinite wisdom, or lack thereof, decided to be judge, jury, and executioner when it came to the Iran deal and leaving a vast majority of Syrians off of our radar. Not only is this a massive sign of where Obama’s allegiances […]
Obama Just Ordered A Study That Lets Him Control Your Behavior. This Is INSANE!
Say what now?! How this is even legal, I’m not entirely sure. It may not be legal given how Obama operates. Reports are flooding in that President Obama had issued an executive order to conduct behavioral trials on the American public. How is this legal? Well it’s not like the administration is going to be […]
Obama Destroyed Our Jobs, But Here’s Something You Didn’t Know That’s Way Worse
All over the place, especially in the liberal media, you will see praise for Obama and his administration for pulling us out of the great recession. Well not so fast because things aren’t as well off as they seem. Recent data is showing us a very different story. You would expect today that median household […]
When They Asked Larry The Cable Guy About Obama, No One Expected This
Larry The Cable Guy is one of the funniest comedians to come around in a long time. His down to earth approach to things and his trademark Git-r-done catch phrase is exactly what the country needs when we’re faced with troubling times. Larry went on Fox News’ Hannity to talk about Obamacare and he let loose, […]
Iran Is Getting Ready For War And Obama Is SILENT! This Needs To End!
Apparently Iran is engaging U.S. ships in the Straight of Hormuz on a daily basis. So much so, in fact, that when they meet, the Iranian ships are taking pictures of them every single time. And they say this is for intelligence purposes. Yea, I believe that. Nope, wait, no I don’t. It’s Iran […]
EXPOSED: Here’s Why Liberals Don’t Report On ISIS. This Is INSANE!
This is something we cannot have happening at the highest level of intelligence agencies in this country. According to a new report, intelligence officials have apparently been softening the blow when it comes to reports on ISIS from the field and they’re not the only ones. Liberals news agencies are actively suppressing the stories that […]
These Boston Cops Are FURIOUS With Obama’s Treatment Of Police [READ]
There have been many stories the liberal media has been showing you in the past 4-5 months that are sensationalistic, and don’t get to the truth. Maybe none more polarizing than the Ferguson, Missouri police scandal and killing of an unarmed black man. This of course started the Black Lives Matter campaign and viral hashtag. […]
Obama Just Blamed Republicans For All Of His Failures. I Can’t Believe This!
Obama has come out against Republicans. This is nothing new, but this time there’s a slightly different twist to his same old rhetoric. Now, our Socialist-in-chief has gone on record saying that Republicans hurt the working American, scolding us for trying to become the party of the middle class. Well, considering Obama and the democrats […]
REPORT: Jobs Under Obama Are The Worst They’ve Been In 38 Years
Another crummy record for the Obama administration, among the many. A complete failure to create new jobs and bolster the work force. Not only did Obama over-promise and under-deliver, but he actually created a situation in which it’s nearly impossible to pay down the national debt, saddle college-going youths with crippling debt, and devalued the […]