Donald Trump continues to soar and the rest of the field continues to wither away. Indiana is going to the primary polls today and the mainstream media will have you believe Cruz is going to win. That might be true, we don’t know yet. However, what we DO know is that Trump keeps climbing in […]
national poll
They Said “Donald Trump Has Lost The Race!”…NOT A CHANCE! He’s STRONGER THAN EVER! WHOA!
I love hearing about how Trump is “fading” and then reading things like this. It truly seems like not a single political pundit against him or literally any Liberal knows what they’re talking about. I mean Liberals usually don’t, but Republicans are a bit sharper than this and should recognize these polls more often. That’s […]
The Numbers Are In, You’ll NEVER GUESS Who’s Leading The Polls!
Trump takes yet another poll! In the first national poll since Trump’s massive win in New Hampshire, we now get a glimpse of what the rest of the nation thinks. It looks as though more and more are hopping aboard the Trump Train. This is up from his previous numbers, but 44% of people polled […]