Not sure how Bernie Sanders is going to talk his way out of this one. Bernie Sander’s whole campaign initiative is about spreading the wealth out and having more equality among the rich and the poor. Yea, a regular ol’ Robin Hood. Anyone that knows anything about economics and monetary distribution knows this is a […]
Hillary Said 1 Thing About The Oscars That Could Bring Her Entire Campaign TO ITS KNEES!
This is just absurd! I mean, at least have some dignity and own up to this. I understand this is Hillary we’re talking about so that won’t ever happen, but it still grinds my gears. Last night, Hillary Clinton tweeted that Hollywood wasn’t just racist, but sexist as she retweeted a post by the New […]
As ISIS Plans Its Next Attack, Obama Says “**** You, America! I’m Going On Vacation!”
Obama, you are the absolute height of human scum. I truly can’t believe this. Obama has the audacity to take his family on a vacation at this time of year when veterans are dying in our own country from lack of proper support, millions are jobless, and our own troops die overseas. And he basically […]