Donald Trump is making waves and like it or not, it’s reaching Obama and his cabinet, including his Vice President, Joe Biden. Recently, both the President and Vice President were asked what they thought of the Republican front runner, and Obama immediately laughed and said “Talk to me when he wins.” Either Obama knows something […]
Joe Biden
DEMOCRAT FEUD! Joe Biden Just Threw Hillary DIRECTLY Under The Bus! WHOA!
I can’t believe what I’m reading! Yes! As Joe Biden said this morning that Trump will win, he has now gone and thrown Hillary Clinton directly under the bus by saying that Bernie Sanders was “deep and real” when it came to poverty. Yea more like deeply disturbed and really idiotic. In an interview with […]
When Joe Biden Dropped Out, Donald Trump Stood Up And Said This. WHOA!
Another Democrat not running, another one down and out of the way of our man Trump! Joe Biden announced from the White House Rose Garden that he will not run for the presidency in 2016, leaving it up to socialist nut job Bernie Sanders and liar extraordinaire Hillary Clinton. That’s great news. Why? Because Biden […]
While Democrats Are Ripping Themselves Apart, Trump Gains An EPIC Lead! Whoa!
So you thought the GOP was the only one with party problems? Guess again. The Dems are feuding and I think it’s about to get ugly! This is hard proof that the liberals are starting to revolt against each other and that Trump is proving to be a credible threat. So much so that now […]
Joe Biden Insulted All Christians To Make Muslims Happy. His Career Needs To END!
This is downright insanity! Current Vice President Joe Biden has gone off his rocker. We know liberals are trying to protect muslims, but this just takes it too far. When is enough, enough!? It’s no secret that there is a mass exodus from Syria due to the conflicts there with ISIS. As a result, many […]
Hillary Clinton Is Losing Supporters FAST Because Of This. This Is The END! [Watch]
And the exodus from the Clinton teat continues. Hot Air is reporting that labor unions aren’t bowing down to Hillary for one simple reason: They can’t take her word on anything. She’s simply untrustworthy in their eyes. And in the same breath, they are showing a multitude of support for Joe Biden, current VP and […]
Joe Biden Just Threw Hillary Clinton Under The Bus. HA HA HA!
As much as I hate to admit it, all presidential news is newsworthy until we have a winner in 2016. Even democratic news deserves headlines. Especially when it’s this juicy. Mr. is-he-or-isn’t-he running for president, current vice president Joe Biden, just gave Bernie Sanders a BIG leg up on Hillary Clinton. This is all very […]