When liberals say that Islam is a “religion of peace”, what they really mean is that they’re willing to overlook the massive amounts of human rights violations that the religion has brought forth upon humanity. Time and time again, we see overreactions and violence from the group that everyone says is “persecuted” and “marginalized”, despite […]
A Muslim Man Stabbed An Innocent Jewish Woman. What The Crowd Did Next…OMG!
Here’s what Muslims really look like when they’re allowed to do whatever they wish. If there was any story on earth that tells you what muslims are really like, and how they react to innocent people being attacked, then this is it. I read in horror as this defenseless Jewish woman, Adelle Banita-Bennett, recounted what […]
Obama Told Private Schools To Teach Islam, They Said “Go **** Yourself!” HAHAHA!
Finally! Someone has stood up to muslims! And it’s not the government, it’s the church! Catholic schools are a safe haven for our children. It’s reserved for those who practice the teachings of Jesus and the word of our lord God almighty. And now, it’s also a safe haven for those opposed to muslim beliefs […]
A Muslim Man Stabbed An Elderly Woman, She Was Saved With The Power Of God!
This story is a miracle. Seriously, an absolute miracle. A woman in Jerusalem was viciously attacked by a Muslim wielding a knife. This has been a common theme the last month, as violence has erupted in the region, with many innocent bystanders being attacked for seemingly no reason. Well it happened again to Marike Veldman, […]
A Reporter Asked An Old Jewish Man In Israel Why He Prays. The Answer? HILARIOUS!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A news reporter goes to see a Jewish man who has been going to the western wall in Israel to pray once a day for 70 years, the reporter goes up to him and says, “hello I’m a reporter for the BBC and we know you’re quite famous […]