[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/will-the-country-be-better-if-we-deport-all-illegal-immigrants”]
VIDEO: Trump UNLOADS On Protesters: “They Should Be ASHAMED Of Themselves!”
We’ve all seen the images and videos of anti-Trump protesters spewing nothing but hateful and spiteful rhetoric, but the ones taking place in Indiana were a bit different. You see, Indiana is a hotbed for illegal alien activity and has a large Mexican population. As the left has branded Donald Trump as a racist against Mexicans, it […]
Mexican President APOLOGIZES To Trump, Trump Says “We’re Still Building The Wall!” WHOA!
I don’t know about you, but when loudmouths that spout off nonsense get their just desserts, it’s my favorite part of the day. Vicente Fox, the former President of Mexico, went on record recently by saying on Fusion to Donald Trump that Mexico is “not paying for that f*cking wall”. While that is indeed unbecoming […]
Hillary Clinton CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Here’s How She STOLE New York!
Chalk up another illegal act that will most likely go unpunished. Did you know that it’s illegal to campaign at a voting site? According to election law, this is a truth and part of the election process and system. Yet, Bill and Hillary Clinton seem to think that the rules and laws don’t apply to […]
Texas Police Captured 3 Illegals Who Did One HORRIBLE Thing That Proves TRUMP WAS RIGHT!
All illegal aliens are criminals. You actually can’t argue that. It’s a fact. “Illegal” means not lawful. Therefore, they are criminals. This is proven more so than ever with news out of Texas where three illegal immigrants were just caught trying to sneak across the border. Now, you’ll hear liberals saying things like, “They were […]
Obama’s Top Supporter ADMITTED One Shocking Fact That Could End Obama! WHOA!
Here’s more proof that Obama is a criminal and broke the law! Obamacare has had a polarizing effect on this country. On one hand, you have liberals saying it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread and touting how many Americans it’s helped. On the other, more reasonable and realistic side, you have Republicans saying that […]
MUST-SEE VIDEO: This Is What Happens With An “Open Border” Policy On Immigrants!
Liberals are quick to jump on the immigrant bandwagon, noting that since we are a first-world country, we owe it to everyone else to share the wealth. Or something. Thankfully, we have a great idea of what exactly happens when we say “come on in” to anyone with a pulse – there’s no way of […]
SHOCKING: This Mexican Drug Lord Wanted Trump DEAD, Watch Him Get WRECKED!
Mexican Drug Lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman had put a $100 million bounty on Donald Trump’s head late last year for his stance on Mexican illegal immigrants. This makes sense, because El Chapo made his fortune by smuggling drugs into our country and spreading criminals from coast to coast. However, although his safe houses and […]