When you watch the news, it’s not unreasonable to think that every Democrat alive is a Hillary Clinton fan. The amount of smoke they’re blowing up the public’s collective buttcheeks is both voluminous and never ending. One thing is clear: Don’t believe everything you hear. At a Monday night congressional debate, Florida candidates Charlie Crist […]
This Picture Of Bill Clinton is DESTROYING Hillary! She Wants It GONE, And I Can’t Stop Laughing!
We all love a good ribbing, especially at the expense of people who wholeheartedly deserve it. That’s why today, we have a few pictures that pokes fun at our favorite lying felon, Hillary Rodham Clinton, starring her philandering husband and liberal heartthrob, Bill Clinton. Not only is Bill trying to sabotage Hillary’s campaign from the […]
So Much For The Woman Card. Hillary Clinton Lost A TON Of Women Supporters!
The best news of today? You’ll find it right here in this article. Hillary Clinton panders to liberals. Mainly, she panders to the female voter. This, we know. What we didn’t know, until just now, is that recent polls are showing that democratic, female voters are abandoning her and her campaign by the thousands; and […]
Hillary Clinton Went Into A 3rd Grade Classroom. What Happened Next…HA HA!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Hillary Clinton went into a 3rd grade class to get support from teachers. She stood in front of the class and asked the children how many of them were “Hillary fans.” Not really knowing what a Hillary fan is, but since the kids wanted to be liked by […]
Hillary’s Email Scandal Blown WIDE OPEN! Hacker Says “It Was Easy!” She’s SCREWED!
Hillary’s lies have finally caught up with her, as she obviously can’t keep up with them all. With Hillary’s presidential nomination all but inevitable, she needs to tread lightly and cover all of her dirty steps. Thankfully, there is a sizable portion of the population that actually cares about the truth and wants to see […]
One Tweet Just OWNED Hillary Clinton! FLAWLESS VICTORY! HA HA!
Hillary Clinton, you’re done. This right here is the reason why we love the Internet. Well, we love bringing you conservative news. That’s the real reason we love the internet. But when you get smart people completely destroying every bit of grounds that a known liar and potential criminal stands on, well you have to […]
Hillary Clinton CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Here’s How She STOLE New York!
Chalk up another illegal act that will most likely go unpunished. Did you know that it’s illegal to campaign at a voting site? According to election law, this is a truth and part of the election process and system. Yet, Bill and Hillary Clinton seem to think that the rules and laws don’t apply to […]
Hillary Laid Out Her Tax Plan But Forgot ONE Thing That DESTROYED Her CAMPAIGN! OH YES!
I do believe this is the definition of eating your own words. The RNC has been under fire from Trump and Trump supporters alike in their backwards and establishment beliefs. However, there is one thing ALL consevatives can agree on: Hillary Clinton is an idiot. Here’s some proof to that in the form of an […]
Donald Trump’s “New Name” For Hillary Has Her MADDER THAN EVER! HA HA!
Donald Trump not only is a good politician and hype man, but he’s actually pretty darn funny when he’s given the chance. That’s why his latest stunt, in which he refers to Hillary Clinton as “crooked Hillary” has caught on and people are really responding to it positively because, as we all know, Hillary is […]
When Hillary Refused To Release THIS, The Crowd INSTANTLY Turned On Her! She’s DONE FOR!
I love when Hillary gets what’s coming to her. Bernie Sanders made a pretty innocuous request yesterday, one that is pretty common among competitors in any U.S. presidential election or primary cycle. He asked Hillary Clinton to release her speech transcripts. No biggie right? Most of those speech transcripts are short hand anyway as reading […]