Recently, the Inspector General released a report on the state of Veterans Affairs and the results will have you seeing red! The report tells the whole story. 307,000 Veterans died last year waiting for healthcare. Even just 1 vet dying from being in the healthcare line is unacceptable. We looked into the matter and found […]
Donald Just Spoke About The Details Of TrumpCare! What He Said Made Me Stand And CHEER!
When we learned about Donald Trump’s health plan, it wasn’t just a breath of fresh air – it was a policy that could have only been written by someone not bought and sold by corporations and special interests. It outlined the exact methods in which a regular, taxpaying American could get great, affordable healthcare without […]
Obama’s Top Supporter ADMITTED One Shocking Fact That Could End Obama! WHOA!
Here’s more proof that Obama is a criminal and broke the law! Obamacare has had a polarizing effect on this country. On one hand, you have liberals saying it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread and touting how many Americans it’s helped. On the other, more reasonable and realistic side, you have Republicans saying that […]
Here’s Exactly How “Affordable” Obamacare Is To A Regular American. This Is INSANE!
When Obama wanted to reform healthcare, he didn’t do it by caring for the people of the country who were already feeling the strain of high-cost, but high quality healthcare. No, he wanted votes from people who don’t pay for anything because that’s how democrats stay in power. By promising that everyone will be covered […]
Here’s How BADLY Obamacare Has Failed! Obama Has Cost Us BILLIONS!
Another case of Obamacare failing? You don’t say. Tell me more about things I saw coming. $1.23 Billion. Just think of all the good we could have done for this country with that money. In the grand scheme of our debt, it may not look like much, but all these “small” expenditures by the Obama […]
When They Asked Larry The Cable Guy About Obama, No One Expected This
Larry The Cable Guy is one of the funniest comedians to come around in a long time. His down to earth approach to things and his trademark Git-r-done catch phrase is exactly what the country needs when we’re faced with troubling times. Larry went on Fox News’ Hannity to talk about Obamacare and he let loose, […]