Kitty Werthmann is a survivor of the second World War and lived through Hitler’s reign. Here is her story and warning to all Americans. It’s a long read, but it’s one of the most important things you’ll ever read about our political system, and why The United States of America is the greatest country in the […]
Gun Control
That Time An Arizona Sheriff SLAMMED Obama On Gun Control TO HIS FACE And Left Him Speechless
Last year in a town hall setting in which the subject was gun control, then-President Barack Obama took questions from the audience. He wasn’t ready for what happened next. Sheriff Paul Babeu asked president Obama, “What would your executive actions have solved?” This was in relation to mass shootings under the Obama administration’s time in […]
One Tweet Just OWNED Hillary Clinton! FLAWLESS VICTORY! HA HA!
Hillary Clinton, you’re done. This right here is the reason why we love the Internet. Well, we love bringing you conservative news. That’s the real reason we love the internet. But when you get smart people completely destroying every bit of grounds that a known liar and potential criminal stands on, well you have to […]
Donald Trump Thinks Citizens Should Be Allowed To Open Carry. Do You Agree? [Vote]
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Obama Wants To Ban Guns In Texas, The Governor Fired Back “COME & TAKE IT!” HA!
This is why Texas Governor Greg Abbott is one of my favorite people on the planet. So we’ve all heard about Obama’s grand plan to disarm America and try to rid this country of gun related deaths and mass shootings. What Obama doesn’t get is that when people have no guns, everyone is unsafe. The […]
It Only Took This Veteran 3 Minutes To DESTROY Obama. FLAWLESS VICTORY!
President Obama has been the country’s commander-in-chief for nearly eight years, and while we’re laser focused on what’s happening in today’s political sphere, many issues have been years in the making. That’s why this video is so important – it comes to us from a vet named Aaron Weiss, stating his plea against Obama’s gun […]
An Illegal Immigrant Opened Fire On His Boss, Mainstream Media COVERED IT UP! OMG!
As Obama tries to take our guns, lives were saved when this employee did some quick thinking. Oh – also because he was strapped. This should be a reminder to all Liberals, Democrats, and anyone saying that taking away guns will make us safer. Studies has shown that isn’t the case, yet they continue to […]
Should Teachers Be Armed To Protect Our Children? [Vote]
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Geraldo Rivera Tried Insulting Gun Owners, Got Put In His Place With 5 EPIC Words!
Geraldo Rivera is an idiot. We’ve already established that here at Yes I’m Right before. But this time, there’s no doubt of his lunacy. Recently, Rivera went on one of our favorite shows, “The Five” over on Fox News to battle it out with the pundits on there. The topic of the day was gun […]
Here Are The REAL Gun Control Facts Obama Is Trying To HIDE! Share This EVERYWHERE!
Obama continues to attempt to disarm Americans and these pesky little things called “facts” keep getting in his way. A report that recently came out from the Centers for Disease Control has now shown that guns are by far an away not even close to causing the most deaths in the U.S. every year. In […]