Let’s be real here. Regardless of political affiliation or ideology, the most important thing to most people is their freedom and ability to exercise those freedoms safely. That’s why we elect government leaders, to ensure our right aren’t compromised by threats foreign and domestic. But what happens when the government turns on you and instills […]
They Asked Families “What If Your Daughter Married A Muslim?” The Results…WHOA!
France is a place where Muslims are a hot topic currently. And that’s not really a surprise. They had muslims carry out terrorist attacks in late 2015. But France is also a liberal nation that has an open arms policy when it comes to diversity. So essentially, they are divided down the middle when it […]
This Liberal Told Muslim Refugees She “Wanted To Help.” Here’s What They Did To Her.
In a refugee camp in France, tensions are high, but for the wrong reasons. You see, Muslims that stormed the country by the thousands and demanded a place to stay are angry with the country providing for them, instead of actually trying to go out and make their own way. A journalist documenting the living […]
ISIS Is Finished! Two New Allies Are Set To KICK THEIR ***!
We have a new ally confirmed and another potentially joining in the fight against ISIS and I couldn’t be happier! Germany has just pledged it’s support to France and will join in on the ISIS bombardments in Syria. Germany said that it wouldn’t fire bombs directly, but would aid France in ways that will keep […]
More Muslims Tried To Enter France After The Attacks. France Says NOT SO FAST!
Tension has been high in Paris and throughout France since the terror attacks earlier this month, but France is locking down on allowing more people into it’s country. And there hasn’t been a terror attack since. Showing that closing the borders and slowing immigration does work when it comes to immigrants and refugees. It’s the […]
BREAKING: France Votes To Continue Air Strikes Against ISIS. They say NO MERCY!
When ISIS and terrorists attack your country, the only solution is to retaliate and France has done so in kind. Just a few short minutes ago, the French Parliament held a vote as to weather or not their first volley of Air Strikes against the Islamic State, or ISIS, was enough in Syria. They came […]
BREAKING: Russia CONFIRMS That Obama Formed ISIS! It’s All Over For Him!
Here’s the proof! We have the proof! Russian Prime Minister, Dimitri Medvedev is accusing the U.S. and the Obama administration for helping to form ISIS post 9/11. This is complete insanity. We’re going to get right to it. Here’s what the report had to say! U.S. actions in the Middle East helped Islamic State […]
When Obama REFUSED To Help France Fight ISIS, They Showed Him Who’s Boss! WOW!
As Obama continues to not want to strike ISIS where it hurts, France and Russia have. And now the UK has pledged it’s support to taking down ISIS at any cost. The UK has many bases throughout Europe, much like the U.S. does throughout the world. The UK’s bases are peaceful and allowed in other […]
BREAKING: France And Russia Aren’t The Only Ones That Want ISIS DEAD. Game OVER!
Another day, another few ISIS hideouts raided. Brussels isn’t taking the ISIS fight lying down, joining Russia and France in being proactive and trying to rid themselves of the disease on their country. As the Belgian city of Brussels has been in lock down the last 3 days, not much has been done…until last night […]
BREAKING: New ISIS Terror Attack Could Happen Any Minute TODAY! Are You Ready?
It’s not just the U.S. and Paris who is under siege from ISIS. Belgium is also being targeted, specifically the city of Brussels. As of this morning, Brussels remains at a terror alert of 4, the highest level possible for Belgium. After the Paris attacks, which killed 130+ people, Brussels has remained a target for […]