As Obama and his family take their record number of vacations, including the one he is currently on in Hawaii, French authorities are taking it to ISIS and their terrorist front in France. Breaking reports are showing that France has taken out yet another terror cell. This now marks the 10th in raids by the […]
france attacks
ISIS Terrorists Thought They Could Get Away With MURDER. But Then, INSTANT JUSTICE!
The ISIS loving muslims that committed the heinous murders of many innocents in Paris thought they could escape and live freely knowing they got away with it. Well guess again! You can run, but you can’t hide scumbags! And the kicker? They were disguised as refugees! Well doesn’t that just stick another foot on the […]
BREAKING: France And Russia Aren’t The Only Ones That Want ISIS DEAD. Game OVER!
Another day, another few ISIS hideouts raided. Brussels isn’t taking the ISIS fight lying down, joining Russia and France in being proactive and trying to rid themselves of the disease on their country. As the Belgian city of Brussels has been in lock down the last 3 days, not much has been done…until last night […]
BREAKING: New ISIS Terror Attack Could Happen Any Minute TODAY! Are You Ready?
It’s not just the U.S. and Paris who is under siege from ISIS. Belgium is also being targeted, specifically the city of Brussels. As of this morning, Brussels remains at a terror alert of 4, the highest level possible for Belgium. After the Paris attacks, which killed 130+ people, Brussels has remained a target for […]
More Muslims Tried To Enter France After The Attacks. France Says NOT SO FAST!
Tension has been high in Paris and throughout France since the terror attacks earlier this month, but France is locking down on allowing more people into it’s country. And there hasn’t been a terror attack since. Showing that closing the borders and slowing immigration does work when it comes to immigrants and refugees. It’s the […]
After The ISIS Attacks In Paris, France Shut Down All Mosques IMMEDIATELY! WHOA!
Yes! So much yes! This should be happening around the world! In the wake of the Paris bombing by terror group ISIS, the French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has called for all of France to shut down it’s mosques immediately! I’m sure liberals will be up in arms about this, but what they fail to […]
BREAKING: Russia CONFIRMS That Obama Formed ISIS! It’s All Over For Him!
Here’s the proof! We have the proof! Russian Prime Minister, Dimitri Medvedev is accusing the U.S. and the Obama administration for helping to form ISIS post 9/11. This is complete insanity. We’re going to get right to it. Here’s what the report had to say! U.S. actions in the Middle East helped Islamic State […]
BREAKING: Paris Bombing Mastermind EXTERMINATED Like The Cockroach He Is! YES!
A huge win for freedom and a major blow to ISIS and terrorist fronts the world over. The mastermind behind the Paris attacks has been confirmed killed by a French terror raid. The Syrian, muslim man who coordinated the heinous and villainous attacks on Paris has been killed in a raid north of Paris last […]