Obama, your days are numbered. Trump, so are yours, but on the way to the White House! The Donald has gone on record churning out another news worthy quote, but this time it’s not just a snippet that the liberal media will twist into something that makes him look weaker or bombastic in any way. […]
Foreign Policy
Obama Helped ISIS Kill Hundreds Of Thousands For Iran. We Cannot Let This Stand!
This is the kind of president we have, ladies and gentlemen. Obama, in his infinite wisdom, or lack thereof, decided to be judge, jury, and executioner when it came to the Iran deal and leaving a vast majority of Syrians off of our radar. Not only is this a massive sign of where Obama’s allegiances […]
EXPOSED: Here’s Why Liberals Don’t Report On ISIS. This Is INSANE!
This is something we cannot have happening at the highest level of intelligence agencies in this country. According to a new report, intelligence officials have apparently been softening the blow when it comes to reports on ISIS from the field and they’re not the only ones. Liberals news agencies are actively suppressing the stories that […]
MUST-WATCH: Donald Trump’s Most Presidential Speech EVER! It’s Going VIRAL!
Liberals have said for quite some time that Donald Trump isn’t “President material”, even though the current commander in chief is actively trying to make America weaker and has copped to doing drugs. Yeah – real presidential. Trump is a bit of a character, however, but that didn’t stop him from giving one hell of […]
One World Leader Says Trump Is The BEST He Has EVER SEEN! This Puts Him OVER THE TOP!
Looks like the Democrats have a bit of egg on their face here. The Dems and any Liberal that think they know anything about foreign policy seem to be forgetting a very important point when they criticize Trump: Obama will go down in history as the worst foreign policy president in history. That being said, […]
Former Defense Secretary LEAKS Obama’s EVIL Plan To Help Muslim Terrorists! OMG!
Of all of Barack Obama’s faults, this one might be the most telling as to what kind of character the man has. HINT: it’s literally 0. A new report has come out where former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has told his side of a story about how Obama ignored better judgement and threw America […]
BREAKING: Ted Cruz Introduced A Bill To Let States Reject Any Refugees It Pleases!
Ted Cruz is sure making a strong surge to the top of the GOP polls, and it not surprising to me at all when I read things like this. There has been a lot of back and fourth about whether it’s a federal or a state decision as to let refugees into the state based […]
Obama Ordered Our Air Force To STAND DOWN When Fighting ISIS! He’s FINISHED!
Somehow I’m not surprised, but this is way more than I though it’d be. U.S. pilots have confirmed this morning that president Obama blocks 3/4 or more of all ISIS air strikes. The pilots said that when asked for clearance to drop their payloads, they are more often than not waved off. How can this […]
Muslims In Iran Celebrate Murder Of Americans By Burning The Flag…EVERY YEAR!
This is an annual thing that happens in Iran. That’s not an over exaggeration. It’s an actual fact. Every year, on the anniversary of the U.S. embassy takeover in Iran, Iranians celebrate this disgusting act of inhumanity but burning the American flag. And if you needed a reminder, this is a country that Obama just […]
Donald Trump Just Silenced Every One Of His Critics With This EPIC Interview! WOW!
Trump continues to impress in interview after interview. This one might be his most controversial yet. However, this one might also give the biggest nugget of truth he’s ever spoken. Check it out below and try not to have this make your head spin with truth. This is, quite frankly, one of the best points […]