Marco Rubio fought the good fight, and even got some good jabs in against the front-runner, Donald Trump. However, in the end, he just didn’t have the strength of character to put him over the top in his home state of Florida. As of tonight, Marco Rubio’s campaign is kaput, officially making this a two-man […]
Desperate Republicans Are Trying To STEAL The Election From Trump By Doing One SNEAKY Thing! Oh NO!
I’m a Republican, but the way this election cycle is going is increasingly slimy and backhanded. The GOP apparently is taking this to a new level by utilizing voter fraud to steal the nomination from Trump. According to a new report from the North Carolina primary, voters were not only counted, but counted TWICE in […]
NEW POLL: Donald Trump Just DESTROYED This Candidate In His HOME STATE! WHOA!
Donald Trump is leading all over the country – that’s nothing new, but the fact that he can blow one of his opponents out of the water in his own state is telling of his awesome appeal and the state of politics in the country today. Donald Trump, three-time primary winner so far, is leading […]
The Numbers Are In! Trump Has More Support Than Everyone Else COMBINED!
When the clock ticks down, it seems as though everyone is piling on top of Trump, to get him to the White House! A poll came out today that puts Trump’s support in Florida at nearly fifty percent! Yes, that’s right – nearly 1 out of every 2 people is a Trump voter in the Sunshine […]
New Poll CONFIRMS That Donald Trump Will Win By A LANDSLIDE!
I think it’s time for the rest of the GOP to throw in the towel. Trump is a steam roller ready to rumble over anyone and anything in his path! Donald Trump’s powerful speeches along with his unrelenting drive to be at the top, have given him a strong foothold in the GOP race for […]
Muslims In Florida Tried To Make A Bomb, They Were Shut Down INSTANTLY! YES!
This is the scariest story I’ve read all day and I had to share it with my conservative brethren. Be on the lookout! Muslims are now buying common household items and turning them into weapons of terror. In Miami, Florida, muslim men were found purchasing nearly 30 containers of propane at a local Home Depot. […]
UPDATE: He Said No Muslims Allowed. They Took Him To Court And It BLEW UP IN THEIR FACES!
This is sweet sweet justice and shows that the American justice system works sometimes! Andy Hallinan told the world that his gun range was a “Muslim Free Zone” back in July. We reported on it and your response was overwhelmingly positive in showing support for the gun range owner. In case you missed it, here’s […]
When Liberals Let Radical Muslims In, These Patriots Set ‘Em Straight INSTANTLY!
We salute these people to the fullest degree and applaud their efforts against the muslim attempt to inhabit America! An anti islamic protest in Irving, Florida shows that not all American’s are supporting refugees coming into this country and attempting to islamisize our great nation. Some of the protesters were armed and carried signs that […]