This could be what we’ve been waiting for all along! Hillary Clinton has been dodging questions and giving half answers about her email scandale for months now. Every time we report on this topic, readers get annoyed, we get annoyed, and the American people get annoyed. Why? Because we get news about it just about […]
Here Are 8 Of The FUNNIEST Hillary Clinton Emails LEAKED By The FBI! HA HA!
Hillary’s email scandal has been a hot button topic for the last few months, but every once in a while, you have to stand back and laugh at the absurdity of it all, and we can do so at Hillary’s expense. Released by the State department after the FBI conducted one of their many investigations […]
Hillary’s FBI Investigation Just Got SHOCKING New Evidence! She’s Going DOWN!
The evidence keeps mounting. Hillary is going down. As her lead dwindles in the primaries (she’s lost 8 of the last 9 primaries), Hillary continues to get bad news from the FBI, and we couldn’t be happier. According to documents, a longtime Clinton friend, co-founder of the Clinton Foundation, and all around horrible person because of corruption […]
Hillary’s Days Are NUMBERED! She Just Got TERRIBLE NEWS About Her Investigation!
Oh man. Hillary should be hiding in a closet somewhere, cowering in fear after hearing this. As FBI Director James Comey spoke to a House Judiciary Committee on the ongoing battle against Apple to unlock the San Bernadino terrorist’s phone. During this exchange, Comey was questioned about the Hillary Clinton email investigation. His response was […]
When Muslims Said “We Are Oppressed!” The FBI KNOCKED ‘EM OUT With The TRUTH!
Liberals, your time of lying and deceit is over, because now there is a government agency with, y’know, facts showing us that it’s not only Hillary and Obama who lie, but most of you. Liberals think that the U.S. is Islamophobic – that all this talk towards banning Muslim immigration and having Muslims sign into a […]
FBI Ready To Indict Hillary Clinton! This Is The News We’ve Been Waiting For! YES!
Oh happiest day. This is one I will relish for a long time. According to a report just in, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay just told the press that the FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton. And it’s about damn time, in my honest opinion. Here’s the video from Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg show: […]
FBI CONFIRMS Hillary’s Emails Were “Above Top Secret.” Is She Out Of The Race?
In a shocking turn of events (for liberals, that is), the Inspector General dropped a bombshell on the Hillary Clinton campaign so large that she will almost certainly be out of the running, as she will have every prosecuting agency in the land trying to indict her. This comes as a blow right before primaries in […]
Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Think The FBI Can Touch Her. Just You Wait!
I seriously can’t take this woman anymore. She has got to be jailed or there’s something seriously wrong with our justice system. We all know Hillary is being investigated by the FBI for her email scandal. Normally that’d be enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine. After all, if found guilty of a federal offense […]
ISIS Is Recruiting 24 Hours A Day In All 50 States. This Needs To Stop NOW!
Horrifying news this morning showing that we need to ramp up efforts against ISIS. Earlier reports of it being wiped off the map were exaggerated and now we have evidence that ISIS is infiltrating the U.S. more and more each day. FBI Director James Comey came to the podium to let everyone know that ISIS […]