I can’t believe what I’m reading! Yes! As Joe Biden said this morning that Trump will win, he has now gone and thrown Hillary Clinton directly under the bus by saying that Bernie Sanders was “deep and real” when it came to poverty. Yea more like deeply disturbed and really idiotic. In an interview with […]
New Poll CONFIRMS That Donald Trump Will Win By A LANDSLIDE!
I think it’s time for the rest of the GOP to throw in the towel. Trump is a steam roller ready to rumble over anyone and anything in his path! Donald Trump’s powerful speeches along with his unrelenting drive to be at the top, have given him a strong foothold in the GOP race for […]
Hillary And Obama Are At Each Others Throats! This Is THE END For Both Of Them!
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, a match made in hell. Or is it? Hillary Clinton literally just came out against Obama and his illegal immigration stance. Recently Obama and he cronies have been rounding up illegal immigrants and deporting them back to where ever they came from. Wonder where he got that idea? *CoughTRUMPcough* But […]
Trump’s New Ad Hit Hillary So Hard She Won’t Walk For A Week!
Trump’s new TV looks good, but his bread and butter is on social media. And here’s another gem from the Donald himself, courtesy of his famous Instagram feed. Hillary has been preaching about women’s rights and “dignity” yet she has gone blind to the fact that her husband is a serial sex abuser and that […]
CNN Won’t Show This! Ted Cruz Goes NUCLEAR On Obama, Barack Is GIVING UP!
North Korea just detonated a test nuke. Ted Cruz knows that Iran is next in the line. Almost as soon as he got word of the North Korea nuclear test, Ted Cruz went on the offensive. While campaigning for his attempt at the presidency, Cruz lambasted Obama’s nuclear plan. Obama’s deal with the devil (Iran), […]
Hillary’s About To Go to Prison, And I Couldn’t Be Happier! THIS IS IT!
Hillary is going to prison! Or at least that’s what one former U.S. attorney thinks. According to the Daily Caller, former U.S. attorney Joseph diGenova is predicting a massive scandal and indictment of Hillary Clinton. We think this is too good to be true, but the facts are adding up and it doesn’t look like they’re […]
BREAKING: Trump Leads In First Poll Of 2016. He’s CRUSHING The Competition!
As the new year hangovers still linger for some, Trump has none of the effects of sending off 2015. And now it seems he’s ringing in 2016 early, in style, and at the top of the heap once again for the presidential race. NBC News reported this morning that Trump not only retains the lead, […]
Melania Trump One Ups Michelle Obama In Her Classiest Showing Yet! AWESOME!
Michelle Obama, as we all know, is a horrible example of a first lady. Donald Trump is our pick for the presidency, but Meliana Trump may have just solidified herself as the best candidate for first lady ever. In a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Melania went into detail on why she doesn’t campaign with […]
Hillary Thinks Guns Don’t Keep Us Safe. Trump SHUTS HER DOWN With 8 Words! WHOA!
Donald Trump has done it again, and I cannot stop cheering this! Hillary Clinton has gone on record saying that guns don’t keep us safe. Which is pretty delusional. What does she think the military uses to kill terrorists? Forks and spoons? Regardless of what I think, this royally pissed off Donald Trump and as […]
Heckler Calls Out Hillary. Then SHE LOSES IT! She’s Gone Off The Deep End!
Hillary Clinton just doesn’t get it. And here’s more proof of that. At a town hall meeting over the weekend, Clinton was heckled by an objector. The heckler was yelling for her to listen and pleading with Clinton to have a conversation with her. Instead, Clinton just shut her down without even giving her a […]