Apparently Ted Cruz isn’t just a liar, but he’s also petty and a sore loser. Historically, when you gain delegates in a presidential race and then drop out, you then release those delegates to go to another candidate still in the race. Since there is only one person left on the Republican side of things, […]
Trump Leads Indiana Voters To Biggest Turn Out In DECADES! WHOA!
After his clean sweep in the Northeast, Donald Trump has his eye set on Indiana and a win might push him into the GOP nomination. Because this has been such a hotly contested campaign on both the Republican and Democratic sides, voter turn out is skyrocketing. The source for all of this? Look no further […]
This INCREDIBLE Trump Announcement Will Have You CHEERING! This Is GREAT News! YES!
Talk about great news to walk in to this morning! It’s no secret Donald Trump absolutely decimated the competition in the latest Super Tuesday of primaries that were held last week. Trump gave us a clean sweep, further cementing his lead in the delegate count and the GOP race. What happened afterwards is what we’re […]
RNC Chairman ADMITS That Donald Trump Is RIGHT, The System Is RIGGED! OMG!
“Donald Trump is right again.” This is a phrase you should all just get used to hearing now. As the primaries have been increasingly one sided for Ted Cruz, though Donald Trump seems to have vastly more support, Trump has been blowing the whistle that the Primaries are “rigged.” While rigged might bot be the […]