The cowardliness of this person knows no bounds. This makes me absolutely FURIOUS. An atheist, liberal college professor Phil Zuckerman teaches secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. This is highly hypocritical in it’s own right because why is an atheist secular studies professor in the first place? Anyway, Zuckerman recently said that it […]
Thugs Broke In And Shot This Pregnant Mom, They Didn’t Expect Her To Shoot Back!
This story has made me cheer all weekend long and I want EVERY American to share it. What do you do when your home is broken into? Call the cops? Yes, but they might take some time to get there. Cower in the corner? Sometimes, that’s what people do since they have no where to […]
When The Public Demanded Hillary’s Emails, Obama Said “NOT SO FAST!”
Here we go again. Another round of lies, another attempt to hide the truth. Democrats aren’t to be trusted! On top of Hillary’s email fiasco, now we have intelligence reports saying that the White House is attempting to block information from getting out about emails between President Brack Obama and Hillary Clinton. This, of course, […]