This is one of the most ridiculous exchanges I’ve seen in a long time. Muslim and Palestinian journalist Rula Jebreal was on CNN and decided to tell Buck Sexton, an analyist for The Blaze and former CIA analyst that he doesn’t understand Islam or Muslims. What most people won’t know about her is that she’s […]
Islamic Terrorists Carry Out Attack On European City Of Brussels. Kill 34.
Here we go again. Another tragic ending as Islamic terrorists carried out terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium over night. As of this post, 34 people are accounted for dead as Islam claimed more lives in the name of “God.” This is just another in a long string of terror attacks by Muslims that not only […]
MUST-SEE: The TRUTH Behind The Brussels Attacks The Media DOESN’T Want You To Know! OMG!
The devastating attacks at a Brussels airport that claimed the lives of dozens of people, injuring hundreds more, has had headlines all over the world. Many are waking up to the reality that Islam is not a religion of peace and that perhaps the best course of action wouldn’t be to let more Muslims in. […]
24 Hours After The Brussels Terror Attacks, Obama Was Caught Doing WHAT??! OMG!
Barack Obama may just be the weakest Commander in Chief we’ve ever had, and here’s the reason – he fails to act honorably when there’s actually innocent lives on the line. If a thug guilty of robbing a convenience store or assaulting a man gets his comeuppance and society has a chip on their shoulder, Obama […]
BREAKING: France And Russia Aren’t The Only Ones That Want ISIS DEAD. Game OVER!
Another day, another few ISIS hideouts raided. Brussels isn’t taking the ISIS fight lying down, joining Russia and France in being proactive and trying to rid themselves of the disease on their country. As the Belgian city of Brussels has been in lock down the last 3 days, not much has been done…until last night […]
BREAKING: New ISIS Terror Attack Could Happen Any Minute TODAY! Are You Ready?
It’s not just the U.S. and Paris who is under siege from ISIS. Belgium is also being targeted, specifically the city of Brussels. As of this morning, Brussels remains at a terror alert of 4, the highest level possible for Belgium. After the Paris attacks, which killed 130+ people, Brussels has remained a target for […]