This. Is. AWESOME! Tomi Lahren is one of our favorite conservative news anchors in the entire world. She speaks her mind, she pulls no punches, and she doesn’t back down to anyone. Especially someone as powerful and as popular as Beyonce. Tomi stirred up some completely necessary controversy when she criticized Beyonce for her race […]
When This Reporter REFUSED To Cover Trump Stories, The Network Said “PACK YOUR BAGS!”
Melissa Harris-Perry is one of the biggest racists on the planet and MSNBC has finally had enough of her, firing her after yet another slap to the producers faces to go off on a diatribe about race. As explained by entertainment blog Jezebel, the tipping point was when she was told to focus on the […]
This Blonde Bombshell Just UNLEASHED HELL On Black Lives Matter! She’s FIRED UP!
Wow. Just wow. This woman has some big cojones! We love Tomi Lahren and we post her videos all the time here at Yes I’m Right so we can share her message and stories with you because they are always important and informational. However, sometimes she has one so poignant that it defies belief. That’s […]
Police Just UNLEASHED HELL On Beyonce For Her Racist Halftime Show! She’s DONE!
In today’s overly-PC culture, thinly -veiled racist organizations such as Black Lives Matter have taken over any discussion of race or culture, calling everyone that disagrees “racist”, all the while promoting the ideology of domestic terrorists. The best example of this was Beyonce’s Superbowl Halftime show, in which she was dressed in guerrilla gear and […]
She DESTROYED Beyonce’s Racist Superbowl Show. Now She’s Back To SILENCE Her Haters!
We love Tomi Lahren. And it’s videos like these that show why. Tomi called out Beyonce for giving us a “black panthers”-esque, racially driven Super Bowl performance. And she was right in doing so. It was racially charged for all the wrong reasons. But it didn’t stop there. First, here’s her take on the performance: […]