In the most politically correct nonsense I’ve read in a long time, and bowing down to liberal pressuring I’m sure, the Oxford University Press has banned the words “pig” and “pork” because they believe it offends Muslims. Right Wing News is reporting on pretty much the most ridiculous thing you’ll read all day. I swear, we […]
Should We Cut All Ties To Radical Muslim Countries? [Vote]
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Liberals Said, “America Doesn’t Agree With Trump.” Americans SHOT THEM DOWN!
Sometimes, you need cold, hard statistics to show Liberals how truly, mindnumbingly ridiculous they are. This is one of those times. Trump has caught so much flack from the left on his immigration policy to ban Muslim immigrants temporarily until we can figure out what is happening in the Middle East, that some have even […]
San Diego Just BANNED People From Saying “Founding Fathers.” The Reason? OMG!
When people talk about being “too PC”, they mean that political correctness has gotten to the point where reality has to take a backseat to leftist fantasy. Officials in San Diego are calling for an unprecedented blow to free speech, in that they’re urging people not to use the term “founding fathers” because – get […]
Are You Proud That More And More States Are Banning Sharia Law? [Vote]
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Do You Support A Permanent Ban On Muslim Immigrants? [Vote]
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When Students Wore Shirts That Supported Trump, The School Did This. SICKENING!
I’m sure there’s a liberal behind this. I just know it. An Arizona high school has banned any clothing promoting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign due to it being “racist” or “offensive.” Not entirely sure what’s racist about “Make America Great Again.” Maybe it’s racist towards fascist high school principals that have no idea what the […]